Ledger® Live* Download

Unlock the full potential of your digital assets with Ledger Live. Download now for a user-friendly interface, advanced security features, and unmatched convenience in crypto management.

Yes, Ledger Live is available for mobile devices on both iOS and Android platforms. Here are some key points regarding the mobile version of Ledger Live:

  1. Availability: Ledger Live can be downloaded from the Apple App Store for iOS devices and the Google Play Store for Android devices.

  2. Functionality: The mobile version of Ledger Live offers similar functionality to the desktop version but is optimized for use on mobile devices. Users can manage their cryptocurrency assets, view balances, receive and send transactions, and access portfolio insights directly from their smartphones or tablets.

  3. Interface: The interface of the mobile version is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly for touchscreen navigation. It may differ slightly from the desktop version to accommodate the smaller screen size and touch input.

  4. Features: While the core features remain consistent across desktop and mobile versions, there might be slight differences in features and capabilities. Ledger regularly updates both versions to ensure feature parity as much as possible.

  5. Device Compatibility: The mobile version of Ledger Live is compatible with Ledger Nano S, Ledger Nano X, and Ledger Blue hardware wallets, allowing users to manage their hardware wallet accounts on the go.

  6. Security: Ledger Live for mobile devices prioritizes security, utilizing the same robust security measures as the desktop version. This includes encryption of sensitive data, support for two-factor authentication (2FA), and secure communication with Ledger hardware wallets.

  7. Updates: Like the desktop version, Ledger Live for mobile devices receives regular updates to enhance security, add new features, and improve overall user experience. Users should ensure they keep the app updated to the latest version to benefit from these improvements.

While the mobile version offers convenience and portability, some users may still prefer the desktop version for certain tasks, especially those that require extensive data analysis or advanced settings. However, for everyday use and basic management of cryptocurrency assets, the mobile version of Ledger Live provides a convenient and secure solution.

Last updated